On Mar 4, 7:34 pm, jnthnlstr <jnthnl...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> An idea - I'd like to be able to have a CSS file at a URL 
> like:http://mytiddlyweb.com/styles.css
> and have people be able to edit it when they go 
> to:http://mytiddlyweb.com/styles.wiki
> Thoughts?

Based on the subject of your message, it sounds like have an idea on
how this might work. Can you explain that more fully?

As you've probably discovered, there are several ways you could do
this in TiddlyWeb, much of it depending on how much server side plugin
code you want to write compared to how much "in TiddlyWiki" you want
the experience to be.

If I were going to do a quick hack of this I would probably write a
quick server side plugin that loads up the css file in a form, you can
type on it, and click save. That would just work on static files on
the disk. You'd want to wrap it in some auth handling.

If you wanted to do the editing inside a TiddlyWiki generated by
TiddlyWeb, then you could:

* PUT the CSS to a tiddler with type of text/css
* have a plugin in the TiddlyWiki that recognized that server.type
attribute when edit was clicked, and presents you with a normal text
box, or a special CSS Editor.

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