An adventure report, working with an offline TS and developing a
I am using

src="loadExternal.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></

That works quite nice.
fb.html is offline. And I am not logged in to TS.
-> There is no "Tweaks" tab at the backstage anymore. I am missing
this one.

The fb.html was edited in offline mode for more than a week, without
any syncing.
Serveral new tiddlers are added.
Some are renamed.
Some are deleted.

In the meantime, TS core tiddlers are updated.

I logged in, to sync my edited tiddlers. 20-30.
Clicked the backstage bar .. Now the adventure started.

Everything blue. "Changed on server" (OK. most of it)

About 10 tiddlers, not found on server. That's right. They are new.
2/3 are green "Changed while unplugged"  -> OK, I know.
I didn't check for the deleted ones. (simply forgot it)

Some are red. "Changed while unplugged and on server"
OK. .. I am sure that's true :)
Some offline tiddlers are "not found on server", but I deffinitly
know, that they are there. May be, because the are tagged
"excludeLists" - didn't check this.

All colors, except the blue ones are automatically marked for syncing.
Uncheked the red ones.(I don't want to do anything with the red ones,
until I know better)

-> open firebug, to see what's going on.
-> hit sync button.
may PUT's that seems to work.
2 of them created a "precondition failed" - note them on a paper ;)

The backstage: sync status display says everything ok. May be that's
not true. But it doesn't say that there is something wrong.

Close and open the backstage area again. Reloads the Info. The
precondition faild are back. Unmark everything. Mark the "precondition
-> hit sync -> precondition failed ..
OK. copy paste.
- Manually fixed the red ones.
- Copy pasted the "precondition failed"
- Counted the online tiddlers, in the Recent tab, to check if thery
are all there,
- Did a manual diff (2 browser windows side by side)
- Manually fixed what I found.
- There were some "deleted" tiddlers, in the online version with the
content: "This tiddler has been deleted " - No it hasn't :)

I know, that this is not a propper bug report, because I can't
reproduce it. I simply don't want to :( Next time, may be I'll make a

What I'd expect is:
*If I open the sync tab, it should display an executive summary.
a) 10 tiddlers not found on server
b) 20 tiddlers changed while unplugged
c) 50 tiddlers changed on server
d) 2 tiddlers changed on server and offline
e) since the offline version, seemed to keep deleted tiddlers, it
should tell me that there are some deleted tiddlers.

than eg:
4 different tabs, which list the tiddlers in detail

I would want to sync the 30 tiddlers that I know can be synced without
a problem a) and b). Check them and sync them.

If an error occures, I want to get a new tab. Error

I would want to get a list (sorted by bag) of the 50 tiddlers that
were changed on the server. If it is only the core. I would want to
download them.

I would want to have the possibility to check (upload) or (download)
for the tiddlers, that are changed on both sides. I would upload them,
and make a diff at tiddlyspace. Since there are revisions, revert
should be no problem.

just some thoughts.

There is something else I want to know. Is there anybody sucessfully
using the existing sync mechanism? Or am I just to stupid to use it?

FND was developing a new sync adapter. What's the status about this

kind regards
PS: I deleted the offline version, and cleard the bin.

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