First off before I get into the guts of your message I'd just like
to say that if we didn't want feedback on the stuff in the spaces
you referenced we wouldn't have made them public, so no need to feel
worried about jumping in too soon or inappropriately: Jumping in is
exactly what we want.

That said I think I can clarify a few things within...

On Thu, 5 May 2011, PMario wrote:

You've had your april1111 session. Reading all the content in
april1111 [1] and colmjude's space [2] + all links inside the tiddlers
+ everything I could find. I see there have been many interesting
things discussed and heavy brainstorming still goes on. ...

Yes. It was quite an exciting period with lots of interesting ideas
bounced around. One of the things that may not be clear from the
existing writing was that a lot of the discussion was around how
Osmosoft organizes itself to be meet a few goals:

* being good members of the Tiddly* community
* meeting (and hopefully exceeding) its obligations to BT
* providing a career building experience for the staff

Each of these has to be balanced as they don't always push in the
same direction.

@april1111 tried to capture what we needed to talk about and some of
the minutes of what we _did_ talk about.

One of the main things that came out was that we needed to a shared
focused goal, one which had what amounted to a deep, almost ethical,

I created @manifesto2 to lay the ground work of a summary of the
ethics and the goals that fall out of that. As you have seen it is
unfinished (more on that in a moment).

a) A manifesto is a "public declaration of principles and intentions".

b) It will not attend to the details of implementation but rather the

It seems, that some of these tiddlers are still part of the
brainstorming process, and IMO too implementation related. and
contrary to b).

Yes, I agree. While I stubbed in the base of the manifesto, leaving
opportunistic links for other people to fill in, that filling in process
did not really happen. Instead, enthusiasm for getting on with some
experimentation won out. This is a problem I often encounter: I like
and find it easy to write, especially as a way of figuring out what
to do, but others are often less keen and want to get to do.

That's fairly normal/inevitable/common but does leave a few gaps for
observers of the manifesto that really ought to be filled.

May be I am wrong and the linked tiddlers have to be interpreted in
the sense of a) and they are "public declaration of principles and
intentions" ... then I have to say. Some of these principles are
really _scary_ ... for me.

It's on this fear that I hope you will expand.

If I had to guess I would imagine that you are worried because you
see TiddlyWiki being marginalized in the discussions of future
development. Is that one of the things that worries you?

If so, don't worry too much: While it is true that we hope to build
tiddler based applications that do not use TiddlyWiki as the primary
interface, TiddlyWiki will not go away: The existing functionality
in TiddlySpace of a wiki representation of the tiddlers in a space
will remain.

The idea of the "notes" application is that it will operate on the
same data structures used by TiddlySpace, but with modern JavaScript
techniques to create a super fast and super simple way to create and
link notes. Those notes will be tiddlers.

At this stage that's the leading idea on how best to take advantage
of tiddlers on the web, for the most people. One of the insights
from our discussion is that it is the tiddlers themselves, not
TiddlyWiki which hold the most value: That's the idea that we want
to take across the chasm between dedicated TiddlyWiki users (who
already know that tiddlers are awesome) and people who find
TiddlyWiki too complex, too flexible and honestly, too weird. All
those characteristics are what  make TiddlyWiki much loved and
very useful, so it won't be dismissed or downgraded: TiddlyWiki will
remain, but the notes concept can be one way of brining people into
the community.

In short:
- It would be nice to get an "official" summary of your _decisions_.

Yes, but at this point there aren't any, there are only
explorations, and what you are witnessing in the spaces you mention
are those explorations.

- It is very confusing (at least for me) that the manifesto displays
"alien tiddlers". So I can't tell if they are really part of the
manifesto, or just ideas, to be discussed.

The manifesto itself is just ideas thus far: not yet complete.

Chris Dent                         

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