I've built an app that will serve up a TiddlyWiki from a Dropbox
account. I've overridden readOnly to allow editing, and saveChanges()
so it'll post the changes back and save them through Dropbox. My app
doesn't actually edit the TiddlyWiki file though, it just links in a
javascript file, and the way I'm doing it works, but it loads the file
as readOnly initially. This means the menu on the right (New Tiddler,
etc) doesn't show the read/write options, and the tiddlers that are
open on load show View instead of Edit.

If someone knows a simplified way to override the defaults with my web-
saving behaviour without having to string match all over the
TiddlyWiki file (let me keep overriding from a linked js file), but
have the webpage load properly, I'd appreciate it.

The app is a simple WAR file that you can get from GitHub (
https://github.com/stevearm/tiddlybox ) and I'm trying to keep a demo
running at http://tiddlybox.horsefire.com/

Also, if it doesn't work with your TiddlyWiki, please let me know.
It's working with mine and with the default empty.html

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