Hi pmario,
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve here,
but you shouldn't need to delete field values

If you are just trying to get a tiddler to save you need to run
merge(tiddler.fields, config.defaultCustomFields);

Note if a save is throwing an error, it is likely to be one of two
* you are trying to save a tiddler to somewhere you do not have
permission to
* the save is being refused as the correct etag is not set - however
in a TiddlyWeb or TiddlySpace environment The TiddlyWebConfig/
TiddlySpaceConfig plugin should be taking care of this for you.

I'm assuming the issue you are having is the first example where you
have an existing ColorPalette tiddler and you need to overwrite it.
In this case I don't think there are any helper functions, but in
terms of setting the fields server.workspace and server.bag - you
should just delete these and run the merge function above which takes
care of it.
Something like
var fields = {}
merge(fields, config.defaultCustomFields);
merge(fields, tiddler.fields);
tiddler.fields = fields;
may also work better.

On Jun 26, 4:43 pm, PMario <pmari...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I made <<selectPalette>> macro TiddlySpace aware [1].
> But the needed code seems to be very "hacky". Is there a better way to
> achieve the same result. Best would be, if TiddlyWeb could be included
> too.
> eg: TS Structure 1
> /someone-else_public/ColorPalette
> /pmario_public/ -
> /pmario_private/ -
> * ColorPalette should be created according to
> config.options.chkPrivateMode
> * chkPrivateMode: true -> pmario_private
> * remove all "exclude.." tags simply remove all tags :)
> The above structure causes the delete  tiddler.fields stuff [1] to be
> needed.
> eg: TS Structure 2
> /pmario_public/ColorPalette
> * The existing ColorPalette should be overwritten
> eg: TS Structure 3
> /pmario_private/ColorPalette
> * The existing ColorPalette should be overwritten
> - mario
> [1]https://github.com/pmario/MPTW/tree/tiddlyspace-ready
> [2]https://github.com/pmario/MPTW/compare/pmario:fix-depricated...pmario...

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