
Here is something I posted previously, that may help Old Dogs grasp 
TiddlyWiki. I came from a procedural language background and I was beating 
my head against the wall a few times grasping how tiddlywiki works. 

A conceptual outline. What follows is part of draft work in progress

If you stop to think about it, in tiddlywiki, everthing references almost 
everything and any change is reflected almost everywhere and 
instantaniously. These updates occur with any change at all, at least 
anything you can see, any new item you look at will update when you open 
it. keep in mind a simple click can be enough to make a change stored 
behind the sceens.

since tiddlywiki is always upto date, you could say it does everthing just 
in time (for you to look at it). its just in time for every relavant 
context as well. until everything is rendered for you to see it, you can 
not do anything. this is why sometimes you just have to wait. its the price 
we pay for everything to be up todate. this just in time method in someways 
prohibits batch processes, you could say its not procedural but contextual 
and just in time.

With few exceptions if any. all changes come from the user, and when they 
do everything that must be changed is and rendered in the new context. this 
seems to be the essence of event driven processes that keep all objects and 
their attributes upto date just in time.

Of course there are differences when you actualy change something vs just 
changing your view or context.

The above account in someways explains why i did not initialy understand 
why you need buttons and similar to trigger any action because tiddlywiki 
waits until you change something including pressing a button before it 
acts, reevaluates the context, updates everything it must and renders it 
just in time.

this model will not nessasarily be a supprise to anyone who is a 
webdevloper, object and event driven coder, and strangly anyone who coded 
online transaction based mainframes. it can however take someone with 
advanced proceedural languages and batch programming time to grasp,

this structure also sheds light on tiddlywiki not responding naturaly to 
multi user updates, though fine with multiuser read only.
End of example conceptual outline.

On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 7:05:37 AM UTC+11, joearms wrote:
> On Monday, 5 March 2018 11:26:53 UTC+1, PMario wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> That's intentional. The "Draft of" tiddler is a "clone" of the tiddler 
>> you want to edit. 
>> Using the draf to edit a tiddler is the only way to implement a 
>> "canceling system", which reverts back to the original. 
>> If you use the toolbar: "cancel-button", the draft will be deleted, 
>> without modifying the original tiddler. 
>> Jeremy wanted to save "Draft of" tiddlers, so you can save and leave your 
>> TW, keeping the "Draft of". 
>> So if you start the system the next time, they will be still there. ...
>> So just say: "OK" or "Cancel" and the drafts will be gone.
> Yes - I've realised what's confusing me -
> As you say there are actually two tidders 
> XXX and Draft of 'XXX' (and two files on disk)
> So the Dustbin icon in edit mode
> which says 'Delete this tiddler'
> means delete TWO tiddlers (Draft of 'XXX' and 'XXX')
> And the X which says "Discard changes to this tiddler"
> means "delete the Draft tiddler" and Deletes ONE tiddler
> so "this" means two files (dustbin) or one file (cross) :-)
> This error occured after I'd been editing a while and notice
> I have 'Draft of XXX' and 'XXX'in my recents and want to
> clean up.
> Funny thing is I no longer make this mistake -
> I guess after a few days use my brain internalises
> the correct commands so I don't make the mistakes 
> I made a few days ago.
> So now I'm scratching my head and wondering why I was confused yesterday.
> There is a very small gap between not understanding and understanding
> (can be a few hours or days) - once you understand something it
> becomes very difficult to get back into the mindset of the gap, and you
> need to be in this gap (mentally) when writing a tutorial - ie understand
> both how it works and why a beginner does not understand.
> That's why I'm bothering your patience with my questions -
> Google will index the replies which might help in the future.
> So an old dog can learn new tricks
> /Joe
>> -mario

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