
i'm currently extending TW to support YAML-Frontmattered File-Formats (i'm 
on node). The implementation itself is clear to me. What i'm struggling 
about is, how would i put it best into TW itself? I tried the following 
ways without my intented success:

   - a plugin implementing a "module-type: tiddlerserializer"=> it seems to 
   be only used when dropping a "frontmattered" MD-File into my browser and 
   NOT when a (in my case .md-) file is loaded from the fs in node-env
   - a plugin implementing "module-type: startup" => then the tiddlers are 
   already loaded and i can parse stuff to my liking, CREATE A NEW TIDDLER but 
   then run into trouble when writing it back to fs, because the filename is 
   already used (but the original tiddler) and it attaches a "_$COUNTER$" 
   suffix to the file-name

What works as expected is, when i change the file *boot.js* (what obviously 
is no good idea) by defining my own module like this:

"text/x-markdown": function(text,fields,type) { MY CODE HERE }});

Is there a way to solve that in a more plugin'ish way?

==== SECOND TOPIC ====

The way back to the fs is implemented in kinda more pluginish way, but also 
not satisfactory to my understanding: i use a "module-type: utils-node" and 
remember the current "saveTiddlerToFile" function like this:

const origSaveTiddlerToFile = $tw.utils.saveTiddlerToFile;

then i overwrite the "saveTiddlerToFile"-Function in there like so:
exports.saveTiddlerToFile = function(tiddler,fileInfo,callback) { MY NEW 
Within this function i simply check, if the current tiddler is something 
i'm interested in (basically by looking at the type "text/-x-markdown") and 
do my stuff by directly working with nodes fs/path-modules. Otherwise i 
delegate to the "rembered"  function by invoking origSaveTiddlerToFile .... 
Kinda hack'ish isn't it? 

How would i solve that in a more TW/plugin'ish way?

Thanks a lot,

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