Revision: 5096

Author:   ossman_
Date:     2013-05-08 11:23:13 +0000 (Wed, 08 May 2013)
Log Message:
Copy commit 5095 from trunk.

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/1_3/unix/xserver113.patch
--- branches/1_3/unix/xserver113.patch  2013-05-08 11:22:04 UTC (rev 5095)
+++ branches/1_3/unix/xserver113.patch  2013-05-08 11:23:13 UTC (rev 5096)
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
  /* The following is only a small first step towards run-time
   * configurable extensions.
-@@ -299,6 +303,9 @@ static ExtensionModule staticExtensions[
- #ifdef XSELINUX
-     {SELinuxExtensionInit, SELINUX_EXTENSION_NAME, &noSELinuxExtension},
- #endif
+@@ -238,6 +242,9 @@ EnableDisableExtensionError(const char *
+ /* List of built-in (statically linked) extensions */
+ static ExtensionModule staticExtensions[] = {
 +#ifdef TIGERVNC
 +    {vncExtensionInit, "VNC-EXTENSION", NULL},
- };
- static ExtensionModule *ExtensionModuleList = NULL;
+     {GEExtensionInit, "Generic Event Extension", &noGEExtension},
+     {ShapeExtensionInit, "SHAPE", NULL},
+ #ifdef MITSHM

Modified: branches/1_3/unix/xserver114.patch
--- branches/1_3/unix/xserver114.patch  2013-05-08 11:22:04 UTC (rev 5095)
+++ branches/1_3/unix/xserver114.patch  2013-05-08 11:23:13 UTC (rev 5096)
@@ -72,16 +72,16 @@
  /* The following is only a small first step towards run-time
   * configurable extensions.
-@@ -302,6 +306,9 @@ static ExtensionModule staticExtensions[
- #ifdef XSELINUX
-     {SELinuxExtensionInit, SELINUX_EXTENSION_NAME, &noSELinuxExtension},
- #endif
+@@ -238,6 +242,9 @@ EnableDisableExtensionError(const char *
+ /* List of built-in (statically linked) extensions */
+ static ExtensionModule staticExtensions[] = {
 +#ifdef TIGERVNC
 +    {vncExtensionInit, "VNC-EXTENSION", NULL},
- };
- static ExtensionModule *ExtensionModuleList = NULL;
+     {GEExtensionInit, "Generic Event Extension", &noGEExtension},
+     {ShapeExtensionInit, "SHAPE", NULL},
+ #ifdef MITSHM
 diff -up xserver/os/WaitFor.c.vnc xserver/os/WaitFor.c
 --- xserver/os/WaitFor.c.vnc   2013-04-10 14:51:13.000000000 +0200
 +++ xserver/os/WaitFor.c       2013-04-10 14:55:40.000000000 +0200

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