On 07/27/2010 05:22 AM, DRC wrote:
> On 7/26/10 6:54 PM, Antoine Martin wrote:
>> As someone said, you can bypass the restrictions by downloading other
>> Xvnc binaries for your platform of choice. (see rpmfind and others)
>> So the restriction is just an illusion of "security", and I worry that
>> people may start relying on it.
>> Not to mention that these "other" binaries might be much worse too.
>> If sysadmins really want to secure their system, then they are going to
>> have to do it properly. Not a bad thing IMO.
> Antoine, you're arguing theoreticals.  What I'm telling you is that, in
> a corporate environment, this does not occur.
You don't know how lucky you are then! ;)
>    We have people actively
> and successfully using the security extensions to TurboVNC.  Yes, it
> requires additional administrative policies.  The idea is not to make it
> hack-proof.  The idea is to make it so that a user will not be able to
> casually expose a VNC password.  If they've downloaded a custom binary,
> then they know that they are violating the policy, but honestly, people
> who have real work to do don't engage in such pursuits.
Well, I'll bite and argue theoreticals ;)
This is true until something doesn't work as expected and they need to 
use VncAuth for some reason (legacy system or whatever) - and can't wait 
for the request to go through. I've seen it.
Then the workarounds end up doing more damage than good.
I am well aware that the other approach (setting only the default to not 
use VncAuth) has its problems too as it can be used to disclose 
passwords of unsuspecting users. I doubt there is a perfect solution.
> Anyhow, why don't you humor me?  If you think the feature is useless,
> then why do you care if I add it?  I am not the only one who uses this
> method of securing VNC, nor did I invent it.
Oh, I don't think it is useless at all. And I am not saying you 
shouldn't add it either - it's not my decision, and it can easily be 
turned off anyway, right?

It's just that from my perspective, there are some aspects that I am 
*generally* uncomfortable with:
* adding hard-coded paths, although I think this is ok here: it won't 
fail if the file is missing (right?) and Xvnc already relies on having 
the correct font path built in.
* policies that are fairly easily circumvented - as explained above
(the main issue with this one often ends up being how 
admins/security-compliance end up relying on this policy too much as if 
it were unbreakable - similar to the way they treat outgoing port 
filtering on a firewall: they block non http traffic and then just 
ignore any traffic to port 80 or 443...)
* command line options that do not take effect as expected - although 
that can problably be made obvious to the user, even erroring out if 

Please don't take this the wrong way, I am only trying to make 
constructive criticisms.
If you think this is not helpful or purely "theoretical", feel free to 
ignore it!


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