On 09/07/2011 08:54 AM, Pierre Ossman wrote:
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 01:40:48 -0500
DRC <dcomman...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

As of now, with the ComparingUpdateTracker disabled and using our FLTK
viewer, the performance is at about 85-90% of TurboVNC at the high
levels, and the remaining gap is entirely due to the viewer.  The server
CPU usage is now almost exactly the same as TurboVNC.

That is great work!
I'm thinking that changing the client might not be the best way to deal
with this, for two reasons:

a) Trade-offs between CPU and bandwidth are now different for our
server than others, making it impossible for users to have a good
default setting.

b) We're wasting part of the compression configuration range. Minor
issue right now though as I guess we currently have no use for extra

I suggest we revert the change on the client and change how the server
interprets the compression setting. A crude example:

0-2 => zlib level 0
3-6 => zlib level 1
7 => zlib level 2
8 => zlib level 4
9 => zlib level 6

This would make sure that a good setting for connecting to the new
TigerVNC server would also be a good setting for older versions, as
well as other implementations. And existing clients wouldn't be
punished for the previous default value.
I really don't like the idea of mapping these literal values. It makes the numbers used for zlib non specific and prevents access to the higher levels at all.  I understand the need to have client defaults and that you are trying to force a default on 3rd party clients.  I will admit that I don't have a good alternative to it either.  I would much rather see these changes in the viewer than on the server.  I really liked how TightVNC had three radio button options for quick connection settings.  They were the default, low bandwidth and high bandwidth.  These automatically changed the encoding type, zlib compression and jpeg quality settings. 

Downside would be that we lose access to higher zlib levels, but if
your analysis is correct then we aren't losing anything of value.

(We could of course add more meaning to the lower levels in the future
to differentiate them, like how aggressively we look for solid rects
or using the comparing update tracker)


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