Feature Request Tracker item #3409700, was opened at 2011-09-14 18:02
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by dcommander
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Category: Windows version
Group: trunk
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Paul (plupa)
Assigned to: D. R. Commander (dcommander)
Summary: Option: Fullscreen spans mult. screens or not

Initial Comment:
The "fullscreen" mode on windows spans multiple displays.   The change was in 
request to 3297845.   However it was very convenient to have "fullscreen" not 
span both/multiple screens.    Any chance of making this an optional behavior?


>Comment By: D. R. Commander (dcommander)
Date: 2011-11-23 10:53

After having implemented this in the evolving TurboVNC Windows Viewer, at
the request of a client, I have to say that it's not as straightforward as
I first thought.  There are several scenarios that have to be accounted
for, the trickiest of them being multiple screens that are configured with
different resolutions or offset from each other.  Not sure about OS X and
Linux, but the Windows API doesn't do a good job of handling those cases. 
It was necessary to write my own algorithm that iterated through the
screens and computed a multi-screen window size that wouldn't exceed the
bounds of the shortest monitor.  Ultimately, I implemented three modes: 
span primary (never extend the VNC Viewer window past the primary monitor),
span all (always try to extend the VNC Viewer window to all monitors), and
auto (only try to extend the VNC Viewer window to all monitors if the
remote desktop dimensions exceed those of the primary monitor.)

At any rate, the code is here if anyone wants to look at it:

I don't really know how the full-screen stuff in FLTK works, so I'm not
sure how much low-level hacking would be required to do the above in a
cross-platform manner.


Comment By: Victor Hooi (victorhooi)
Date: 2011-10-12 22:35


Yeah, I have to say I'd definitely support this.

I run dual-monitors at work (not an uncommon setup, I'm sure), and the
first time I tried to full-screen a 1280x1024 TigerVNC session and it put
half on the left monitor and half on the right, with the middle right smack
bang between the two monitors, I was like, what the heck...

Having this as a user-selectable switch woudl be awesome.



Comment By: ptamlx (ptamlx)
Date: 2011-09-29 03:44

I also want to vote for this. Both settings are very useful, depending on
what you are doing.


Comment By: D. R. Commander (dcommander)
Date: 2011-09-19 02:02

Since I implemented the original feature, I've assigned this to myself, but
I have no idea when I'll be able to get to it.


Comment By: Sebastiaan Breedveld (zwartoog)
Date: 2011-09-19 01:58

I also want to opt for this. Both settings (single screen / all screens)
are desirable in different situations. 


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