A follow-up question:

I'm probably fundamentally misunderstanding something still, but I'm
wondering why it is necessary to ping-pong off of the client to obtain
the RTT, when TCP_INFO can give you that information (through TCP_INFO)
without extending the RFB protocol.

On 12/7/11 2:45 AM, Pierre Ossman wrote:
> Any luck getting this working?
> On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 11:31:25 +0100
> Pierre Ossman <oss...@cendio.se> wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:47:14 -0600
>> DRC <dcomman...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>>> Yes, I'm getting the "enabling continuous updates" message.  How I'm
>>> testing is to look at responsiveness when running 'vglrun glxspheres -i
>>> -fs' with quality=1 and compress level=1.  I move the mouse across the
>>> screen and gauge (with a stopwatch) how long it takes for the server to
>>> "catch up."  It's consistently about 1.5 seconds both before and after
>>> the high-latency modifications.  TurboVNC performs similarly with
>>> similar quality/compress level ("Low-Quality JPEG preset.")
>> Not sure I'm understanding your test case. The mouse is normally
>> rendered locally and not latency sensitive. Or are you disabling that
>> for the test?
>>> GLXspheres at this quality level is going to cause Tiger/TurboVNC to
>>> generate about 0.5 Mbits/frame of data at 1240x900, so if the frame rate
>>> is not latency-limited, TigerVNC should be capable of at least 5-6 Hz
>>> given the effective bandwidth of the 10 Mbit connection.  However, it
>>> seems to be still generating about 3 Hz, the same as it did before the
>>> modifications.
>> Odd. There is a corner case where single updates exceed the congestion
>> window, but that shouldn't happen here. For 10 Mbit at 100 ms RTT, it
>> should have a window of at least 1 Mbit, meaning it should fit two or
>> three of those updates in there per round trip.
>> Can you try with the congestion debugging turned on and see what
>> latency and congestion window it gets?
>>> I also do not notice any difference when typing into a console window,
>>> moving windows around, etc.  Further, it appears that double buffering
>>> is not working quite right, but that's the case in the pre-modified
>>> build as well.
>> In what way? At such low frame rates, perhaps you're hitting the timer
>> which prematurely updates the screen so it won't appear frozen.
>> Rgds

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