On Dec 28, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Peter Åstrand <astr...@cendio.se> wrote:

>> On 12/22/11 2:41 AM, Peter Åstrand wrote:
>>> I'll let Pierre give you the details of the -DeferUpdate values, but if
>>> it turns out that it's not possible to find a default that fits
>>> everyone, then I'm suggesting that we create a special script
>>> "turbovncserver", "vglvncserver" or something like that. It can then
>>> have defaults that are optimal for the 3D-on-LAN case.
>> Except that that still requires a user to explicitly do something
>> different on the server than they would normally do, and users forget to
>> do that. Maybe there is no way to reconcile the differences between 2D
>> and 3D apps, but we haven't really tried.  I've provided tons of data
>> regarding 3D and video app performance, but the equivalent data does not
>> exist for 2D apps, so we really don't know what's best for those apps,
>> and we can't make that judgment just based on gut feelings or quick &
>> dirty benchmarks.  We need something more quantifiable.
> I think we have provided quantifiable data.

If you did, I never saw it.

> I agree that additional tests would be useful though, but there are also 
> other things that needs attention. I think the core of the problem is there 
> will always be some kind of tradeoff/compromise, and if I understand the 
> VirtualGL/TurboVNC perspective correctly, there's no interest in this. 
> Anything that, say, increases the CPU, even so little, is a no-no. Given 
> these priorities, it seems difficult to find a solution that fits both use 
> cases by default.

Not difficult at all. We have a solution that fits both use cases by default: 
it's the same solution we used with 1.1.0 and are now using with 1.2 beta1, 
which is setting DeferUpdate to 1 ms. You and Pierre have not provided any test 
cases which demonstrate that 10 ms is beneficial, and Pierre admitted that the 
choice of that value was more of a gut instinct, which is why we changed it 
back until further information can be gathered. Pierre and I have reached at 
least a temporary agreement regarding this, so I'm not sure what you hope to 
gain by continuing to argue the point.

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