On 2/15/13 3:38 AM, Pierre Ossman wrote:
> But GPLv2 is broken, that's the point. Instead of me trying to
> reiterate things, I'll just point to FSF's page on the matter:
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html

We've been through this before.  FSF thinks GPL v2 is broken, and Linus 
thinks GPL v3 is broken.  You can choose your own religion on the 
matter, but I don't think everything that either party says should be 
considered gospel, personally.  The FSF wrote the license, so of course 
they're going to be in favor of it.

I will refer you to my previous response on the matter:

I look at this from a risk management point of view.  The chances of 
someone abusing the GPL v2 in such a way that the GPL v3 would protect 
against it are miniscule.  The chances of isolating TigerVNC from the 
rest of the VNC community by upgrading its license are, on the other 
hand, about 100%.

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