Author: jukka
Date: Fri Jan 25 16:15:45 2008
New Revision: 615409

TIKA-118: Bouncy Castle binaries require US exports regulation compliance
    - Added export control information in the README


Modified: incubator/tika/trunk/README.txt
--- incubator/tika/trunk/README.txt (original)
+++ incubator/tika/trunk/README.txt Fri Jan 25 16:15:45 2008
@@ -42,6 +42,32 @@
 notices and license terms. Your use of these subcomponents is subject to
 the terms and conditions of the licenses listed in the LICENSE.txt file.
+Export control
+This distribution includes cryptographic software.  The country in  which
+you currently reside may have restrictions on the import,  possession, use,
+and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software.  BEFORE using
+any encryption software, please  check your country's laws, regulations and
+policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of\
+encryption software, to  see if this is permitted.  See
+<> for more information.
+The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and
+Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control
+Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using
+or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms.  The form
+and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible
+for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted
+(TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section
+740.13) for both object code and source code.
+The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software:
+    Apache Tika uses the Bouncy Castle generic encryption libraries for
+    extracting text content and metadata from encrypted PDF files.
+    See for more details on Bouncy Castle.
 Building Tika

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