
        It is understandable that you are disappointed that it turns out this 
seller is offering the 10811 - 60111 version instead of the 10811 A model that 
you were looking for.  But if you look at your question to him objectively, I 
think one can reasonably see that he took your question with regard to the 
output frequency.

from the link you cited to: "Q: Hi, Can you confirm it is a 10MHz HP 10811A - 
have you checked to see if 10MHz is present? I can see the 10811 in the 
picture, but it looks like a list of numbers folllows this, and not the letter 
A I'm converned this is perhaps a special, at an odd freqency, and not the 
standard 10MHz 10811A. Is there any where it actually says 10811A on the 
package? Can you give me a price to ship to the UK. Address would be Department 
of Medical Physics Mallet Place Engineering Building University College London 
London WC1E 6BT England
  A: The 10mhz output was tested with a oscilloscope. It is not a special. 
Shipping to you business address is $32.00US. We also have a HP10811-60111 we 
can send you for the same ending auction price. Good luck bidding 
---Todoelmondo "

        Most eBay surplus electronics seller have little knowledge about such 
matters as the fine differences between the stability of an "A" model versus a 
-60111 version of a 10811.  As you might guess, most of these are simply 
"pulls" from old counters (most commonly the military version of the 5328A) or 
the like.

        While it is certainly informative that you have told those in the group 
who may not have been aware, that there is a difference between the two models, 
your continued public attack of this individual, in my opinion, is not 
appropriate in this or any other public forum.  You may have a bona fide 
dispute with him (I doubt it, especially since you recognized that it was 
probably not an "A" model), but that can be more properly handled by an eBay 
dispute forum or in a worst case in a U.S. Small Claims court.  I find it quite 
disgusting and unprofessional that you would not only attempt to destroy his 
business, but further publish his work place and work address over a matter of 
less than a $100 hobby purchase gone wrong.


Joe Geller

 On Sat, 07 May 2005 03:37:01 +0100, David Kirkby wrote:
> Just in case any of you were thinking of buying an HP 10811A, there
> is someone (Ray Mahoney, callsign N4NBS) on eBay selling one right
> now
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7513958962
> who I would definitely avoid.
> I won an auction for an HP 10811A from him
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7505853855
> but instead he sent me an HP 10811-60111. He is failing to address
> the situation. I've offered to pay him $50 for it, if he send me
> the unit I won, or to return it at his cost. I don't see why I
> should pay carriage costs due to his mistake.
> He has ceased all contact. I sent him a FAX to the US Patent Office
> on Thursday where he works, simpling asking he contact me, just in
> case his email is not working, but he has not done so.
> He seems to have email addresses of [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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