In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike S) writes:
: At 06:36 PM 7/16/2005, Robert Lutwak wrote...
: >As for concern that people in 10,000 years won't conform to having the sun 
come up 15 minutes earlier, I'd say y'all are underestimating the power of 
adaptive evolution.
: Innumeracy or deliberate and egregious understatement? AM and PM
: would be reversed in about 1/2 that time. I'd say y'all are
: underestimating the problems a very fundamental change in the basis
: for timekeeping will create.

I assume that you are looking at:

Also, the following is a good resource

Also, not everyone is arguing for the outright elimination of leap
seconds.  Only for them ceasing to be random events with < 6 months
notice.  No need to get so beligerent in your discourse.


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