Chris O'Byrne says:

I'll give you a very concrete example of the harm of leap seconds. As
part of my interest in astronomy, I chase total solar eclipses. I've
written a program that runs on your mobile phone to calculate when you
can expect to see the eclipse start and end from your location
( to a target accuracy of
0.1 second. I updated the program, and made an announcement of its
availability, HOURS before the recent bulletin from the IERS about the
December 2005 leap second. Since the next major eclipse is in 2006, I
had to update the software and make yet another announcement about it.

And if your software reports eclipses later than 2007, it may need to be updated again. Where is the surprise in this? You have built a program that makes certain assumptions about time - those assumptions are invalid. Your program could have been layered on TAI. Your program could have referenced one of the online sources of leap second tables ( Your program could have permitted input of an explicit leap second schedule at a later date. Your program could have done a lot of things to be responsive to the standard. If a standard exists and you ignore the standard, you can't blame the folks who designed the standard for your problems. For example, what does your program do to correct for DUT1? DUT1 will be growing without bound if the proposal is adopted. It will become a larger and larger effect to compensate for.

Leap seconds exist now. UTC uses them now. You chose to ignore an international standard that applies now. I'm glad to see you were perceptive enough to manually correct the problem, but it sure looks like it's your problem to me, *no matter what* you think of leap seconds.

An unforecastable civil timescale is just not workable, IMO. Also, a
civil timescale that breaks the ancient equality of one minute equals
sixty seconds is wrong, IMO. As I asked recently, what should analogue
clocks do this December?

There is interval time and there is time-of-day. There are a number of other timescales as well. What is difficult to forecast is the relationship between TAI and UT1. The IERS and such folks do a very good job of this actually, but over the long term it is simply not deterministic. Just like the artificial focus on conversions between US units and metric units, this discussion misses the point. Using the metric system doesn't intrinsically require converting back-and- forth to US units. Using UTC (or UTC+DUT1 as an approximation to UT1) doesn't typically require converting back-and-forth to TAI. See Jean Meeus's discussion:

(I'm sure anybody with your avocation is familiar with Meeus.)

Not if you have mislaid the piece of paper that has the damn lookup
table on it. And not if you need to program a computer system to do
time-based calculations (as opposed to programming a computer system
that just has to count time).

The difference between a lookup table and a closed form solution that can be embedded within code is a coherent strategy for issuing events responsive to the appropriate closed form approximation. A particular program can be based on any ephemeris that makes sense. This could then be pushed through a leap second scheduling algorithm to interpolate the intervening leap seconds. See my discussion in What is missing here is a coherent leap second scheduling algorithm. The IERS chooses each leap second manually by some committee vote - they should adopt and use a specific strategy instead. Minimizing |UTC-UT1| is a good start for developing such a strategy.

On the other hand, what you are saying doesn't remove the need for lookup tables. Either the lookup tables are needed to move from a civil time based on UT1 to TAI or they will be needed to move from a civil time based on TAI to UT1. My fundamental assertion is that at the end of the day it will be proven that most usages of civil time depend on its nature approximating time-of-day rather than unsegmented interval time.

So I may have to update my eclipse-predicting program within a month of
the eclipse? I don't think so.

But that is the international standard already in effect. Nothing stops the IERS from issuing a leap second the month before any eclipse you care to reference. We should emphasize this by making it the rule, not the exception. And we and other interested parties should spend our time developing systems that provide the APIs and services you need to embed in your application.

By attempting to ignore an intrinsic reality, we are making such issues more likely, not less. How about an extension to ISO 8601 that would permit distinguishing timescales, something like:

    2005-07-18T12:34:56Z (UTC)
    2005-07-18T12:35:28A (TAI - same instant)

Multiple timescales will always exist. We should acknowledge that fact and move on.

leap hours are 3,600 times more absurd!

Common ground has been reached.

Rob Seaman
National Optical Astronomy Observatory

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