----- Original Message ----- 

From:"Tom Van Baak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


> The right way to do it is with a "3 cornered hat". 

> If you have three clean pair-wise runs of three 

> similar frequency standards then you can use 

> a 3 cornered hat to isolate the stability of each 

> of the three standards. The three lines of code 

> that do this are at the end of: 


> http://www.leapsecond.com/tools/3hat.c 


> /tvb 


Greate! Now I understand. This is because of 

AB^2 = A^2 + B^2 

AC^2 = A^2 + C^2 

BC^2 = B^2 + C^2 

Thanks a lot. 

Lymex, BG2VO 

p.s. I was suffering problems of double space in my email, and I don't know how 
to reply to a subject. I'm discussing this with John but has not settled yet. 




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