It is (or at least should be... needs testing) editable by anyone who's registered. The registration doesn't ask for any personal information, just a username and password. I figured that was a good compromise between wide-open and locked-down.

My request was aimed more at someone giving some thought to an initial organization and setting up some pages/topics so there was a logical place for people to stick content. The reference to setting up privileges was probably misleading -- at the time I posted, I was still figuring out how the access control worked.

So, if you'd like to register and have at it, feel free.

David Andersen wrote:
How about just letting it be editable by everyone, at least until it becomes a problem to do so?

(I was going to toss in the start of a "Manuals" page.)


On Jul 28, 2005, at 9:29 AM, John Ackermann N8UR wrote:

I've set up a wiki at (I want to change that to /wiki/time-nuts, but at the moment that doesn't seem to work).

There's presently no content there beyond a simple introduction.

Would someone (or multiple someones) here be willing to do some initial structure and content creation? If so, contact me off list and I'll set up the necessary user privileges.


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