Brooke Clarke wrote:

Steven Bible says the Reflock II might be available in September 2005, see:

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke, N6GCE

I've kept fairly quiet about the Reflock II until we have more concrete details, but as Brooke mentioned we're a month or so away from production and TAPR plans to be showing it off at the Digital Communications Conference in Santa Ana, CA this September.

The Reflock II is a universal synthesizer that can lock an oscillator at virtually any frequency up to 250MHz (higher with a prescaler option) to any reference in the normal frequency standard range (I really don't know the upper limit), or to a 1pps source.

It's primarily designed for hams to use as a way to stabilize the local oscillator of a microwave transverter, but there are obviously lots of other interesting possibilities.

The phase performance of the GPS 1pps configuration hasn't been thoroughly tested; that's one of the things we'll be working on once more units are available. Since the whole loop is in software (implemented in a CPLD chip) and the source is open, it will be easy to play around with the loop parameters, or even add fancier filtering algorithms.

We're pretty excited about this; together with the TADD-1 distribution amplifier, this marks TAPR's (re)entry into the T&F field.


PS -- time-nuts with an interest in digital communication (things like software defined radio) should consider attending the Digital Communications Conference. Details are at

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