> Slightly off-topic, but this brings back memories of Y2K.  I was on our
> company's SWAT team ("There's a software bug!  Quick, call the
> lawyers!") and spent 24 hours in our command center ringing in the new
> year around the world.  The first big test was when New Zealand turned
> over, and we had a guy standing in front of an ATM to do a test
> transaction ASAP.  Fortunately, it worked. :-)

Did he get to keep the money?

> PS -- How many of us will have webcams on our radio clocks to watch the
> leapsecond?  I'll have on on my Spectracom WWVB receiver (the only one I
> have that has a direct digital readout).

This is as good a time as any to challenge all
of you time-nuts to try to "catch a leap second"
5 months from now. Plenty of time to plan.

How to Watch a Leap Second


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