Alberto di Bene wrote:
David Kirkby wrote:

If your PC has an ISA slot, or you have an older PC with an ISA slot,
then a GPIB board is not that expensive on eBay. Just save yourself a
lot of hassle and get one from National Instruments, as they are
better supported than other makes.

I have an ISA GPIB card collecting dust on a shelf... I just don't have
a PC with an ISA slot... probably I should find one at a ham swap fest...

PCI GPIB cards are current, and so are *much* more expensive.

I know.... :-(  I checked the NI prices and for such a card they want a
couple hundreds Euros or more...

Yes. For Solaris drivers, they want more than the cost of the card!!

I think the drivers were 10 UKP more than the card last time I looked. But the cards have gone up quite a bit since then, so perhaps not any more.

But I got my Solaris drivers in a copy of Labview for Solaris.

I am wondering... I know of the existence of USB <=> RS232 adaptors. May
be someone sells also USB <=> GPIB converters ? Nobody knows ?

You can get a USB based GPIB adapter that is less than a PCI based one. But they are still not cheap.

An old PC is probably your best bet.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

David Kirkby,

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