At 12.59 15/10/2005, you wrote:
Symmetricom purchased (exactly) two products from Agilent: the 5071A cesium beam frequency standard and the 5087B distribution amplifier. They have not announced discontinuation or discontinuation of support of either of them.

As to the larger question of providing support for obsolete products, keep in mind that obsoletion of components is the principal reason that products go obsolete. These days, in the commercial electronics industry, typical product cycle lifetimes are 1-2 years. The component manufacturers cater to these high-volume applications, not to the low-volume long-life frequency standard industry. Hobbyists may be able to keep things going for a few years by scavenging components but probably not with the same level of performance and reliability one expects from manufacturer service.

Try getting a 5-year-old DVD player repaired before you start demanding support on a 35-year-old mercury ioin standard that never made it into production.

Note that I do not speak for Symmetricom management, nor am I privy to any future plans for product obsolesence.

As TVB points out, that rack of Mg+ electronics was probably for a prototype. Eventually, about a half-dozen pre-production units were built at HP, about the size of a 5061. Most of them ended up at USNO. If one of those ever shows up on Ebay, it might be worth the trouble to try and get it working, but only if it comes with manuals and schematics. The biggest issue will be the vacuum integrity of the physics package. If it's lost vacuum or the ion pump won't fire, you're probably dead in the water.


Thanks Robert and TVB for the info on the Hg+ standard. I was not planning anything about it... just looking at the strange beast. And I was not aware of the HP research on this type of standard.

About obsolescence, I agree totally. My job is buying, repairing and selling second hand test equipment; the search for obsolete components is an every-day matter. Every day worse, of course.

Marco IK1ODO

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