It's interesting that this is the same discussion the ham radio 
community has been having for years now, as we've seen the kids that 
used to become hams diverted to computer-based activities.

While I don't personally have a great talent for bringing youngsters in, 
I'm happy that organizations like TAPR are bringing the two fields 
together and providing a reason for computer-oriented students to look 
into ham radio.  And, GnuRadio is an even better opportunity for 


Hal Murray wrote:
>>I can't see too many children being able to build circuits the way I
>>used to, since it will be very difficult/impossible to solder
>>components  together. That must have a knock-on effect later in life,
>>since nobody  would have taken much interst in electronics as a child,
>>since they were  unable to make anything. 
> I'll bet kids can find other neat things to do.  The world is different not 
> better/worse.
> I didn't write any software when I was a kid.  Assembling a robot and 
> programming it seems like it would be fun.
>>Perhaps circuits published in magazines will need to use power
>>transistors, just so they are of a size that is practical to construct
>> without specialist tools and skill. Perhaps children of the future
>>will  have to build your own 741 out of a bunch of 2N3055's. 
> I don't have any troubles getting transistors in TO-92 packages.
> I think the emphasis will change from building X from scratch to building 
> what it takes to interface something to sensors and control gizmos.

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