Poul-Henning Kamp said the following on 04/09/2006 02:07 AM:

> No, I don't think so.  But I've since found out that the abuse
> pretty much all stratum 1 servers, including several .edu, .gov
> and .mil servers.
> Now they probably regret they didn't just pay off my claim from the
> start.

I'm also sorry, Poul-Henning, that you are the latest victim of firmware

On a related note, I recently set up my external web/mail/etc. server to
be a stratum 2 timeserver and added it to pool.ntp.org, the volunteer
round-robin DNS system to share the NTP load.  I've only been in the
pool for a couple of days, and only got my logging software working
yesterday, but it's quite amazing how many systems there are that sync
to me.  I'm averaging about 500 active clients, but when, once a day or
so, my IP address gets entered into the DNS pool, that shoots up to a
couple of thousand (and then tails off very quickly; there must be many,
many machines that do a start-up time check but aren't running a full
NTP implementation).

I have graphs of that activity at
http://www.febo.com/time-freq/ntp/stats/clients/index.html, and others
showing the relative offsets of all my NTP servers (I have each PPS
source in the basement driving its own server) at


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