I have a HP Z3801A which outputs the 1 PPS and 10MHz as Differential Pseudo
ECL. What is this?
How do I access these signals? How do I convert them to TTL or CMOS Levels.
Are there any IC's (DIP Package) to do the conversion? For short cable runs (2
or 3 Ft.) is there a simple circuit for conversion? Also, how might I convert
the 1PPS to an RS232 Level. Can I use an RS422/RS485 converter?
I should mention that this unit was converted to RS232 for the RS422
transmit/receive signals which includes a jumper header with only 6 of the
jumpers inserted. I wonder if the Z3801A already has circuitry to convert
these signals like it does for the RS422 to RS232?
Any help would be appreciated.
Don Mimlitch
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