TAPR is pleased to announce that the TADD-3 PPS distribution amplifier 
kit is now available.

The TADD-3's primary use is to distribute 1 pulse-per-second signals 
such as those obtained from GPS timing receivers, but it can work with 
pulse signals up to at least 10MHz.

The TADD-3 provides six low-impedance outputs that deliver greater than 
3.5 volts into a 50 ohm load, with rise time at the output connector of 
less than 3ns.  It also has two RS-232 level outputs that can be used to 
feed computer timing applications.  The polarity (normal or inverted) of 
each output can be independently set.

These outputs can be driven from one or two inputs (i.e., each input can 
drive half the outputs, or a single input can drive all outputs).  The 
input circuit can accept either TTL/CMOS level signals, or signals at 
other levels through the use of high speed comparators with adjustable 
trigger points.  The inputs can be terminated in 50 ohms, 4.7 kilohms, 
or 1 megohm.

The TADD-3 has the same form factor as the TADD-1 RF Distribution 
Amplifier.  It has an onboard LM7805 regulator and operates from 7-15 
VDC.  Current drain at 13.8 volts ranges from 70 to 250ma depending on 
load and duty cycle.

The TADD-3 kit is priced at $69, with a discounted price for TAPR 
members of $62.

TAPR is taking orders for the TADD-3 now.  Details (and a link to the 
assembly manual) are available at http://www.tapr.org/kits_tadd-3.html. 
   Orders will be shipped from the TAPR office starting shortly after 
May 21. Kits will also be available at the TAPR booth at the Dayton 


PS -- I'm also pleased to announce that TAPR will offer an enclosure 
that will hold any of the TADD projects.  Price and availability date 
are TBA, but we hope to have these spiffy boxes available by early July. 
  We'll post an announcement as soon as the details with our vendor are 

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