Chuck Harris wrote:

>Hi John,
>I don't know much about the 2100R, but I do have an advertisement blurb that
>Austron put out that describes it as a stand alone, turn key frequency 
>device, or something like that.  I would suspect that it has a few dip 
>switches for
>seting the GRI, and perhaps another few for setting loop time constants, and a 
>to set the frequency of the reference, and the rest it assumes.
>John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
>>I picked up a 2100R Loran receiver at the Dayton Hamvention this year
>>for a really good price, and now I'm trying to do something with it.  I
>>had thought it was simply a GPIB-controlled-only version of the 2100F,
>>but a couple of references I found on the web make me think there may be
>>other differences.
>>Does anyone have a 2100R manual, or failing that, any more detailed info
>>about it?
All I have is a description in an Austron Timing Reference Handbook It 
says you have to set the
GRI of the desired chain. That setting is under the front panel. It also 
says you need a connection
to a local standard. The 2000R will compare the local standard to the 
LORAN and give you
the differnce.The information is available via the 488 interface.

It also outputs a 1 MHz and 10 MHz signal.

It may be that the output signals will work without the external 
reference signal as that is
definitely required to get the difference information. Maybe all you 
lose with out the
reference is the difference information.

Somebody will probably have a manual and will provide better info.

Bill K7NOM

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