In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            John Ackermann N8UR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: Magnus Danielson wrote:
: > Yes, there is a time-difference between the reported and the time of the
: > machine. The machine has NTP from 4 known good public Stratum 1 NTP servers.
: > the 11-13 s time-difference is "interesting".
: Might your Z3801A be set to GPS time rather than UTC?  That would 
: account for (I think) 13 seconds (or is it 14 now that we've had a 
: leapsecond?).

The current offset is 14.  UTC-TAI is 33, which means there have been
23 leap seconds since 1972.  The GPS time scale split off from UTC
after 9 leapseconds.


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