Tom Van Baak wrote:
>> I've recently acquired a Rubidium Osc ( Efratom FRS-C 10Mhz) as my 
>> first venture into this field. It's working as per the spec given 
>> ,checked against Trimble GPS with 1pps output.
>> Can you point me to somewhere where there is  a description of the 
>> physics behind the drift that occurs?Drift is speced as <5x10^-11 per 
>> month....but why should there be any "drift" at all?
>> "Wandering" about nominal I can expect ,but consistent "drift" ?
>> Regards
>> Peter
> Hi Peter,
> You're off to a good start. With enough days of data
> you should be able to measure the drift quite nicely.
> To answer your good question; we all have come to
> know that cesium is accurate and rubidium drifts. But
> there's much more to the story...

[ Tom's good stuff snipped ]

For what it's worth, I have plots with (at the moment) 98 days worth of 
data showing two HP 5061As and an HP 5065A against GPS (and each other) 
at  The drift of the 5065A is hard 
to discern because what I presume are other environmental effects hide 
it; in other words, it's pretty darn low.

You'll see a whole bunch of files there with hopefully reasonably 
explanatory names like "cs1-gps-hourly.html" which shows CS1 vs. GPS 
with hourly averages.  The files with "-daily" are 1 day averages, while 
the ones with "-tail" show the seven most recent days of data with 10 
minute averages.

Each web page shows the raw phase, the drift-removed phase (using a 
linear calculation of drift) and ADEV as well as some other statistics. 
  The pages are automagically updated every 15 minutes.

I'm hoping to keep the experiment going for a while longer; I'd like to 
get out to at least 120 days of data.  I can make the raw data available 
if anyone is interested.


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