Hello all

I am looking for information on the different
Motorola Oncore GPS's.  Would like to know what the
difference is between the UT+ and VP, and the
differences between the different model numbers. 
Advantages of one over the other?  Stuff like that. 
The links from TAPRs page to Motorola is no longer
valid.  Can anyone point me to a good source of basic
information like that?  Maybe someone had an e-version
of the specs for these?  Looking at different ones on
ebay and not sure which one to get for building a
frequency reference like the one by Brooks Shera.  

Also, I found some Rockwell Jupiter's, models TU30D140
and TU30D160.  What is the difference between them?  I
believe the TU30D140 has the 10KHz output.  Is that

Thanks in advance! --Jamie

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