Hi Brendan,
I would contact Brooks Shera directly before you go any further as the span
of his controller is set at 4.5e-8 and the maximum span on an LPRO is about
5e-9. He can reprogram the controller by changing the filter gain and loop
time so it is about 8X more sensitive so it will work with a direct
connection to the LPRO. I have a controller modified with the filter gain is
scaled up 1 step and the loop time set to 120 seconds and this works well
with an LPRO attached directly to the DAC.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brendan Minish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement"
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

> Hi I am looking for info on using the Brooks Shera GPS-VCXO Controller
> with an EFRATOM LPRO-101?
> I currently have it locking an old and unknown single oven Xtal
> oscillator this is working as well but I hope to replace this with the
> LPRO-101
> Has anyone any suggestions as to how best to choose the correct values
> of R5 and R6 for use with the LPRO-101 C field control input.
> 73
> Brendan EI6IZ
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