
Have not used this myself but it could be a starting point for what the OP
wanted... free, working on unices etc.


Bruce, be careful when you equate "free" and substandard... In what way is
Dave Mills' reference implementation of NTP substandard? Why is phk's
freely available work on the timingcode and elsewhere in FreeBSD

Good day,


On Thu, December 14, 2006 7:42, Bruce Lane said:
> Good day,
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 13-Dec-06 at 23:16 Jason Rabel wrote:
>>I tried Googling but kept hitting dead ends, so I'm hoping maybe someone
>>here has a good link or maybe some old source code.
>>Basically I would like to have a PC driven IRIG-B generator (doesn't have
>>to be super accurate), probably via a sound card (I've seen a few Windows
>>programs - none for free though). Besides being free, it would be nice if
>>it ran on Linux or FreeBSD.
>       Welllll.... 'Free' often means you get a substandard product.
>       Might I suggest NMEATime? I use it myself. Very handy stuff.
> Windows-based, uses the sound card to generate IRIG-B on a standard 1kHz
> carrier. And is $20 really too much to spend for a product that the
> author clearly put some quality effort into?
>       Happy hunting.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
> Blue Feather Technologies -- http://www.bluefeathertech.com
> kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
> "If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with
> surreal ports?"
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