Tom Van Baak wrote:
> Speaking of timing, today is the 5th anniversary of
> our time-nuts mailing list. Thanks to all of you who
> have made this such a great list over the years. The
> quality of the postings has been rather amazing.
> For example, the long posting two days ago by Brian
> Kirby detailing his efforts with GPSDO and Rb is a
> time-nuts classic.
> A special thank you to John Ackermann for hosting
> the list on his server. John, how many people on the
> list by now?

I'll add my thanks to Tom -- I think this is one of the highest SNR 
mailing lists around, thanks to all of you.

We have 384 subscribers now.  I wonder what percentage of the world's 
privately held Cs and Maser standards are represented here?


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