Good eve,

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On 20-Jan-07 at 12:05 Didier Juges wrote:

>It seems that Bruce is not connected to an external NTP server since he 
>said he has to manually update his NTP server to change to DST.

        Actually, no, I should have clarified. I have two separate master 
clocks. The first is an NTP server, dedicated to the LAN. It has no offset 
capability, and produces UTC time codes. It does not observe DST at all.

        The second master clock runs off the same GPS antenna, but has no LAN 
capability. It takes in GPS code, and produces UTC, but it also outputs an 
IRIG-B time code stream modulated onto a 1kHz audio carrier and you can program 
that stream to be offset from UTC by however much you want. This second clock 
is the one that I need to alter the DST dates on (it is configurable for DST 
start and end dates) this year to accommodate the extended period.

        I am, based on what I've learned in the past day or so, a bit concerned 
about my computers. I don't think the Unix boxes will have problems, but I'm 
concerned about the Windows systems since we're all Win2000 Pro here (I will 
not, under ANY conditions, "upgrade" to XP or Vista!)

        Keep the peace(es).

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with 
surreal ports?"

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