I looked at the ACE-III on Trimble and do not see mention of a 10 KHz output.
Maybe I miised it, but without it, the N1JEZ board will not do unless you modify
it for 1 pps.
I am trying to find more info, but since it reached EOL, Trimble may have 

73, Dick, W1KSZ

-----Original Message-----
>From: Didier Juges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Feb 16, 2007 7:54 AM
>To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement <time-nuts@febo.com>
>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt - Hardware Versions       -       
>I also agree.
>While I would not mind getting a couple of units for tinkering, I 
>already have the regular commercial version, with the DC/DC converter, 
>the normal enclosure and the Trimble Bullet antenna, and the whole 
>package cost me $200 with a guaranty.
>Paying anywhere near that for the stripped down version, open frame 
>case, no power supply and no antenna, in a quantity buy, without knowing 
>if it even works would not make sense. Besides, since mine is running 
>just fine, I don't really need another one. I would not mind paying $200 
>for two units for tinkering purposes, but higher than that would not be 
>reasonable. I think if we proceed with a group buy, we should demand 
>that the seller checks them out. If necessary, I could provide 
>instructions and the power supply needed to do that. At least we would 
>have some assurance the thing is not just a bunch of bad units.
>Someone is selling ACE-III GPS receivers for $10 for three pieces (I 
>just got a set). Add a commercial grade OCXO and an N1JEZ control board, 
>and you essentially have a Thunderbolt equivalent for less than $100.
>Didier KO4BB
>> Hello Jeroen,
>> after what some folks disclosed here, e.g. that these may all be broken  
>> units, and that they may be the inferior commercial versions, I tend to 
>> agree.  
>> The risk is too high for paying more than say $125..
>> Has anyone actually ordered, and tested one yet?
>> bye,
>> Said
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