> I saw the vendor put up new pictures of the "Thunderbolt" that he has 
> hundreds of up in his auction .  The pictures aren't very clear but it looks 
> as though HALF of the "Thunderbolt" is missing.   There doesn't seem to be 
> any power conditioning board.  Am I wrong about this?

I believe you are correct. Someone stated there was no DC/DC converter 
board, so you need to provide +5 and +/-12.

The Thunderbolt data sheet is very confusing about power consumption. It 
states the unit needs about 10W, but lists the current draw as 300mA on 
the +5V and 25mA on the +/-12V. Where  is the oven power coming from? My 
Thunderbolt with DC/DC converter draws about 400mA from +24V, so the 10W 
stabilized sounds about right.

I wish the pictures were clearer, and that there were a picture of the 
front of the unit. It's hard to believe the seller has 100's of those 
units which he tries to sell for $250 or more, and can't even afford to 
make a couple of decent pictures of what he sells.

I am not sure what is the device that looks like a coupler on the 
bottom, but it seems like you get a couple of cables with it.

Didier KO4BB

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