Magnus Danielson wrote:
>> However if all you have is a 10811 it will limit the short term 
>> satbility of such a GPSDO.
>> The phase carrier measurements will have a lower noise floor than the 
>> 10811 for tau > 10s or so.
>> A better oscillator (FTS1200, FTS100 Oscilloquartz OSA8607 etc.) will 
>> have a significantly lower noise floor.
> Indeed. Carrier phase will cut in early as the quieter source than the PPS
> method.
That by itself seems like a significant advantage, being able to set the 
loop much faster and therefore being phase locked sooner after power up, 
for portable applications.

It seems that in this case, the acquisition time of the receiver will be 
the most significant delay.

I guess as a result, it will become more important to have an algorithm 
that effectively filters out outliers. Are there any such things as 
hanging bridges with carrier phase receivers? (I hate asking that 

Didier KO4BB

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