> But... as marketing people thinks that 'more satellites, better' some
> manufactures are commercializing small GPS receivers with 16 and even
> 20  channels... and obviously, no advantage over 12-channel ones.
> Perhaps  they expect the Navstar constellation to be so crowded in the
> near  future to don't let the Sun rays reach the Earth :-) 

How many satellites are there in the Russian or European systems?  Or will 
there be if/when everything gets fully deployed?

How close are the frequencies?

What's the bandwidth of the signal?  How far does doppler shift things?

Is there spectrum set aside for this use, or is it shared with other 
applications and the receiver has to dig the signal out of a mess that's 
worse than just noise?

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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