From: "Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] 5371A / 5372A replacement
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 10:06:32 -0700

> James,
> If your measurement reqires a continuous time record (8K events - max), then 
> there is no current replacement for the 5372A.
> For some things this zero dead time capability is important, otherwise the 
> modern counters already mentioned are quite good,
> but be prepared to have your wallet cleaned out!

The CNT90 does zero dead time. It is just not as quick as the 5372A, but it
does several 100k samples/sek if I recall things correctly and it does it for
much longer sequences. Run it with the time-view software. The CNT90 is alot of
bang for the buck. The advertised resolution is 100 ps, but the hardware is
actually better, but it is a bit noisy below that level. You can download the
timeview software demo from Pendelums website. You need to get a key for full
operation. I've also post-processed the rawdata files myself, which is a bit
odd format but once you have sorted that out it becomes trivial to go further.

The CNT90 does not fully replace the good old and trusty 5372A, but it is a
darn good complement. The pricing is not too bad actually.


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