I do not know if my clocks (WWVB controlled types) are one of these hard 
coded one, or a smart one, but I will say the one feature that made me 
choose it over others was the low price (for a WWVB controlled model). 
Let's be honest, it was cheap. However, if it happens to have simply 
missed yesterday's transmission, I can see that my "solution" of 
changing time zone may come back and bite me when I go to bed one day 
and the clock decides to update itself at midnight and I get up one full 
hour earlier... It's bad enough to have to get up on time, it's against 
my religion to get up early.

Maybe I should reset it by hand...

Thanks Tom, you quite possibly saved me an hour of sleep...


PS: for the record, I have 4 clocks of the same type (nightstand size) 
and another wall mounted, and it seems all missed the update. Maybe 
60kHz propagation was just very bad last night?

Tom Van Baak wrote:
> To address some of the recent DST postings...
> Clocks with hard-coded USA DST rules will be off by an
> hour for the three weeks from 11-Mar to 1-Apr-2007.
> Given how long it's been since the DST rules changed you
> can see why someone in a cheap or weak moment would
> design a clock with hardcoded rules. Still, a bad design.
> WWVB radio-controlled "atomic clocks", on the other hand,
> do not have hardcoded rules; instead they switch to DST
> based on command from Boulder. This is why many of us
> saw our RC clocks/watches do the right thing this morning.
> This is a good design.
> .....
> http://www.LeapSecond.com

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