The HP 5334 is a nice counter. I have the B model. The A model has a few more 
features (particularly math functions), but the front end is more easily 
damaged. For Time Interval measurements, both models are equivalent.
Be aware the built-in standard timebase is not very good. It is also hard to 
adjust precisely. As a frequency counter, the instrument would be more useful 
with the high-stability timebase, or an external timebase.

The internal timebase is fine if you intend to use the Time Interval function 
(such as when comparing oscillators), for which you do not need great absolute 
acuracy, as long as the time interval you measure is small and you keep the 
instrument at constant temperature.

I also have an HP 5316, which has the same basic feature set as the 5334, with 
slightly lower resolution in Time Interval mode. My HP 5316 has an easier to 
adjust time base, even though I am not sure it is more stable.

Both have the GPIB interface, which makes it really nice to plot Allan 

I have a couple of pages on counters and timing at :

This is pretty basic stuff, which reflects my limited knowledge of the 

While you are there, you may want to check my GPIB page too at:

Didier KO4BB

---- David Dameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I have a run-of-the-mill frequency counter (8 digits, 0.1 and 1.0 sec gate,
> no reference oscillator output or ext. input) and would like to upgrade to
> something better. I would initially like to measure frequencies in the 10
> MHz or below range with a resolution of better than 0.1 Hz.
> From reading this list have picked out a HP 5334 or a Racal-Dana 1991/1992.
> Some of these have been recently on ebay, but that is not my preferred
> source, the seller often does not state the options installed, as well as
> the typical ebay problems.
> Are there others someone would recommend, used?
> -Dave D.
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