On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 23:29:43 -0700, Hal Murray

>My digital camera died recently.  (Well, it was killed.  I gave it a bath in 
>salt water when I miss-judged a wave at the ocean.)
>I went to the local brick and mortar camera store to get a replacement.  
>After I told the guy what I was interested in, he brought out several 
>He dropped one of them on the floor from normal hand/chest height.  It was 
>still working after he picked it up.  I forget the brand, but somebody was 
>willing to put their reputation on the line.

Any other "grey beard" here ever see HP's calculator promotional show
that they staged on campuses?  The one where the rep hurled Brand T or
C against the wall and of course, it splattered.  Then he hurls an
HP-35 or -45 the same way and it just bounces a little and keeps right
on working.

I left one of those demonstrations with an HP-45 in my pocket and my
wallet $495 lighter..... Still have it and it still works just fine
even after being drowned by a tidal wave of split-pea soup from a
burst thermos....

John De Armond
See my website for my current email address
Cleveland, Occupied TN
All great things are simple and many can be expressed in single words:
Freedom, Justice, Honor, Duty, Mercy, Hope.  -Churchill

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