From: John Ackermann N8UR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] phase noise and related stuff
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2007 20:49:09 -0400

> Dr Bruce Griffiths said the following on 03/31/2007 08:36 PM:
> > Some MSWindows html editors (e.g. Open Office) are notorious for 
> > automatically substituting the fully qualified link path for a relative 
> > link path, that has been typed in so that the page should have been 
> > reasonably portable. If one doesn't know that this can occur and correct 
> > all the affected links before uploading this sort of link error can result.
> > 
> > I don't know if this somewhat undesirable behaviour is restricted to 
> > MSWindows applications, perhaps someone can enlighten me on this.
> Hmmm.. my "HTML Development Environment" is called vi and ssh.

Mine are emacs and scp. :-)
A recent addition to the suite is rsync. :-)

Oh, Emacs is also my mailer-tool. Handy thing. And I write alot of code in it

> Makes life much simpler. :-)


When I started doing webpages, Emacs was the tool and the Netscape beta had
just hit the streets. We had this Alta Vista search engine comming along which
was a cool Digital database demo.

Yeah, I actually recall the times before Google. :-) We had Archie back then

But seriously, there are a number of usefull tools out there for those that
don't walk and talk their HTML as well as some of my friends (which I learn
alot from).


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