Darrell Robinson wrote:
> In the January 2007 issue of Microwaves & RF magazine I see a paragraph or 
> two about a GPS disciplined frequency source.
> The company is NavSync and the module is part number CW46.  The stated price 
> is $176 if you are buying 1000 of them.
> I don't know what one unit would cost, ($220?) but the price seems very 
> reasonable to me for what it does.
> As a newbie to this, I would like to read comments as to whether this is a 
> good way to go for an accurate 10MHz source.
> I'm looking to get +- 1 Hz at 1GHz. Their website is at www.navsync.com.
> Thanks in advance - Darrell
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This module uses a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) to produce 
the 10MHz output frequency.
An NCO has lots of output jitter and corresponding phase noise. It is 
necessary to use a PLL and a low noise OCXO to cleanup the output signal 
before it is of much use as a frequency standard for RF applications. 
The resultant circuit is probably no less complex than the traditional 
approach of locking an OCXO to a timing receiver's PPS output.


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