The next FMT will be Wednesday night April 11.

    10:30 PM EDT

    9:30 PM CDT

    8:30 PM MDT

    7:30 PM PDT

    02:30 UTC

The 80 meter run will be first, followed immediately by the 40 meter run and
ending with the 160 meter run.

80 meter frequency will be near 3550000 Hz

40 meter frequency will be near 7055000 Hz

160 meter frequency will be near 1887000 Hz

I don't really expect 160 will be useable by most of the group, but thought
I would throw it in for the fun of it.

Send your results and comments with in 22 hours to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Put  "Sudden FMT", your Call and frequency in Hz, in the subject line

     i.e.- Sudden FMT, K5CM, 1887000.23 Hz, 3550300.307 Hz, 7055034.7 Hz

I will try to have the results posted within 48 hours after the test.



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