Thanks, Didier!


Didier Juges wrote:
> Anyone on this list is welcome use the upload section of my web site. It 
> is intended for manuals, until I check them and move them to the 
> "formal" Manual section, but since you can upload anything that will fit 
> (<25 GB please), you are welcome to use that for temporary storage as 
> long as it is loosely related to the interests of this list, or the 
> TekScope or hp_agilent_equipment mailing lists, which I participate in. 
> If I need the room, I will simply delete the old stuff, but there is 
> lots of space there, so you should be assured that whatever you upload 
> will probably be there for at least a few weeks or months.
> Please do not upload sensitive information, or documents that could 
> possibly irritate a big corporation with lots of copyright lawyers...
> If it is of more than passing interest and should be kept more 
> permanently, send me an email and I will move the material in the Manual 
> folder
> login: manuals
> password: manuals
> To send a link in an email, you can either use "";, 
> which requires the same login/password as above and provides you with an 
> ftp interface, or simply ""; which does not 
> require login and presents an http interface, whichever you prefer.
> You are welcome to experiment. If you upload something and change your 
> mind, the ftp interface will allow you to delete stuff in the upload 
> folder. Be considerate of others please :-)
> Didier KO4BB
> John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
>> I've been getting a lot of notices lately that messages are being 
>> rejected because they exceed the list's 128kb maximum size limit.
>> Now that we have over 400 subscribers, I really need to enforce that 
>> limit; otherwise, the server gets bogged down (it's trying to blast out 
>> 400+ copies of that big message).
>> The ideal thing is to post the large file at a web or ftp site, and just 
>> link to that location in your message.  If you don't have public storage 
>> available, I'm sure several of us here would be happy to host files on 
>> their site; I certainly will (within reason).
>> Thanks,
>> John
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