On 4/11/07, Brooke Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If the computer program is in the millions of lines and had this bug, what
> other bugs does it have?

Very similar to a bug in F-16 software that caused the fly-by-wire to
roll the a/c inverted when it passed south of the equator. I believe
that bug was caught in simulation testing, though.

Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP  SCWCD
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://voicenet.com/~maggie
AOPA 925383 -- Amateur Radio Station K3XS -- ARRL 39280 -- AMSAT 32844

  "The art of progress is to preserve order amid change
   and to preserve change amid order."-A.N.Whitehead

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