Probably my favorite watch ever is the Abicus Wrist PDA. While it is
not inherently extremely accurate, the battery is only good for a day
or two without recharge, so normally you connect it to a USB port
every night for charging/HotSync... at which time it resets to the
clock of the computer you're synching too. Just make sure that machine
has a good NTP setup and you'll have time as good as a WWVB watch as
well as a surprising amount of computing power backed by 8mb of memory
on your wrist at all times.

Those who get bored with a single watch face can hit one of the
several interface buttons and switch to other face programs. It's also
handy for carrying e-books (make sure your eyeglasses prescription is
current if over 40).

I wore mine religiously (despite the inherent fashion crime) until
replacing several items of everyday personal electronics (camera,
cellphone, PDA watch) with a Treo 680. As much fun as the watch was,
going from 8MB to 8GB of memory, a bigger, full-color display, decent
audio and mobile internet was a compelling argument. And the Treo
syncs itself to the cell network clock automatically.

Wrist PDAs go for $60-80 US on eBay these days.

73 de Maggie K3XS
Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641 -- AOPA 925383 -- ARRL 39280--

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